Legal notice

This site is the property of the civil wine-growing company (SCEV) Champagne Copin-Cautel whose headquarter is located:

11 rue Principale
51700 Vandières

Tel. : +33 (0)3 26 52 67 29
Port. : +33 (0)6 85 74 53 58
Contact form

RCS: Reims D 499 490 670
SIRET: 499 490 670 00019
TVA: FR17 499 490 670
Code APE: vine growing (0121Z)

In charge of the site and the publication: Philippe Copin

Web hosting: o2switch — 222 boulevard Gustave Flaubert, 63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France — +33 (0)4 44 44 60 40

Site conception: GM Créative › Web agency in Reims

SVG icons: the images used on the site come mainly from the Icons8 and Noun Project sites, thanks in particular to: